Wednesday, February 24, 2010


What if I hadn't became so hypnotized with the opportunity, didn't allow myself to be pursued, would I never have fallen for you, accepting the fact that you belonged to someone else, but was determined to win you all to myself...remember him?

On the start of the New Year, I deleted numbers from my phone of people I hadn't heard from. On Valentine's Day, I received a text from a number that didn't register in my phone; I didn't respond and I didn't delete it either. I figured sooner or later that someone would reach out to me again.

Well, my assumption was right...last night my phone rang, and as soon as the guy said hello, I knew who it was.

This guy had me in a place that I was so hypnotized with every word he said. The relationship between him and I; I compare to married men and mistresses...I was his mistress minus the marriage, who'd thought that eventually we would be together. Eventually is now here; 2010, and I am positive that I am not interested.

Time and time again, I allowed myself to be stood up, put on the back burner, given the short end of the stick, etc; but not just by him...numerous of men. He informed me that things have changed in his life, that he wanted for us to work on us, and that he has never stopped thinking about me.

My response to that was: I'm working on me, working on forgiving/forgetting the men of my past, and allowing me to welcome the man that God has created for me to enter my life. And his response was: I am the man that God has created for you; he has changed me and he's not done changing me...all I'm asking for is for you to give us a chance.

No Way/No How!